Jet ski chase with the speedboat of the crooks and Bassie

Bassie & Adriaan: Het geheim van de sleutel 1978 - 45 locations

Bassie is kidnapped in the speedboat with the crooks. Adriaan follows the speedboat on a Jetski.

It is difficult to figure out exactly where all the places such as the jetty were, but the Aalsmeer water tower can be seen in the background of the shot of B4 behind the wheel of the speedboat.

View all locations in the collection Bassie en Adriaan.

Bassie & Adriaan: Het geheim van de sleutel
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Last change on 2024-02-05

More locations from Bassie & Adriaan: Het geheim van de sleutel

the blowout
Adriaan climbs over the balconies to the crooks
Bassie buys food for Sweety
Hotel Rosamar
Bassie & Adriaan cool off at the Algar waterfall.
Open the door!
Hotel room
This is a key to a luggage locker in Rotterdam Central Station
The circus (Circus Renz) from the series, the Key
Donkey Loaded
I know! Hey what are you doing?!
Bassie runs onto the beach
Captain Bassie and the pit where the wallet is stolen
In Spain, In Spain, In Spain
Adriaan sees Bassie being kidnapped at the airport
Yes, the car is broken... Is it broken?
In Spain, In Spain, In Spain!
Homesick of a clown
The end of the Secret of the Key on the Coolsingel
The Food Menu
Adriaan follows B1 over the barns
Haha good loot and easy work
Look left look right and again
The roundabout from the intro to the series, The Key
Bassie & Adriaan book a trip to Spain. Ole!
Jet ski chase with the speedboat of the crooks and Bassie
That is life-threatening!
Rotterdam Central Station
Bassie dances a Spanish dance
We do it from Rotterdam to Amsterdam in 1 step
The criminals arrive by taxi
Hideout of the Crooks
Bassie & Adriaan take a rest in Guadalest
Shot in Spain with the Matra Simca Rancho
Bassie & Adriaan run to their hotel
Bassie & Adriaan drive from the bridge onto the road
With the Rancho on the Oosthavenkade and get a blowout
Or in your swimming trunks on the beach until you get a nice tan
Bassie buys a special suitcase for his swimsuit
Bassie crosses the street without thinking
Run to the hotel
The crooks get wet in the car wash
Look left, look right and again if you have to cross
Caravan rolls off the dike

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Bassie & Adriaan: Het geheim van de sleutel | Jet ski chase with the speedboat of the crooks and Bassie | ID: 1271 |