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More locations from Bassie & Adriaan: De verdwenen kroon

the submarine
Driving from phone booth to phone booth
The ferry where Swift Japie escapes
The castle where the villains were hiding
Drommels, now the police are also after us!
Adriaan sees the criminals and quickly turns the Honda Prelude
Bassie & Adriaan have to come to the police station
A police officer stops Bassie and Adriaan
Is it still far Adriaan?
The action has started!
The old building at the end of the Ventweg
The gate in Schoonhoven
The Police Station from the Lost Crown
Bassie and Adriaan park the car at the museum
You're right on time, do you hear me?
Because that acrobat was arrested we were able to escape hahaha
Museum where the crown was stolen
I don't want to go back to prison!
Tunnel where the crooks are caught
The red car with cage is ready for departure
Why was that man so shocked?
New batteries for Robin
He's in a hurry, that can't be pure coffee behind it!
Phone place of the crooks
Bassie & Adriaan turn right with the Fiat Panda
Adriaan, what would the adjutant want from us?
The phone booth in front of the church
But in the spring, I play outside again
I said, it's too shallow here!
It ensures that the cold disappears... DISAPPEARS!
The last shot of the thugs in the Lost Crown
Museum where the crown was exhibited
The bunker where the fence falls
Bassie & Adriaan go shopping
The second phone booth at the ferry
Bunker Q
Racing to the telephone booths
Adriaan is caught up and arrested
Did you see that? The police arrested that acrobat
We are almost there but not quite yet
Driving we have to escape, it shouldn't get us
I say drums drums drums
Jump on the boat
Getting the right equipment with Robin
Racing to the telephone booths
Bassie & Adriaan switch from Prelude to Fiat Panda

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Bassie & Adriaan: De verdwenen kroon | Jump on the boat | ID: 236 |