The Sokovian Square shows up at the beginning of the film and also features prominently in the ending battle with the rescue of the civilians with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s lifeboats, the action on the vehicle bridge, and any scenes surrounding the Church that Ultron occupies.

Filmed at the Metropolitan Police Training Centre off of Peel Drive, the crew built many elements used in the battle of Sokovia. One side of the Training Centre had a statue of Sir Robert Peele, which was unable to be moved. That side of the Centre also featured the sets for the lifeboat and the bridge.

The other side of the set had a pair of Statues and a kiosk built, as well as the Church location which was the site of the final battle between the Avengers and Ultron.

Avengers: Age of Ultron
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Last change on 2023-07-13

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Avengers: Age of Ultron | Sakovia - Sokovian Square | ID: 1025 |